Thursday, November 5, 2009


As we consider the job issue, the growth in jobs will not be in the areas where we have just lost millions of jobs. Clearly, as the economy grows, there will be some fractional return of jobs, but it will not be at the same rate as the job losses were on the way down.

Clearly, if you are a business, faced with the degree of uncertainty the current economy is faced with, will only hire new people considered essential. This is a good thing for long term business stability but will result in an increase in unemployment for the foreseeable future unless we can promote new job growth areas.

As I've said before the best strategy to do this would be to greatly expand both our domestic and renewable energy efforts and to reform taxes and health care to eliminate the unfair advantages of doing business overseas. Our current system of employer provided health care has increased the cost of each employee to the point that each hire is in some ways critical.

Clearly job growth in domestic and renewable energy, including greater exploitation of natural gas would create jobs in this country. Removing the burden of health care costs from small and large business would certainly make hiring easier. Finally, we need to change our business tax system to go to one based on sales would share the tax burden based on what is sold in this country as opposed to what is produced in this country. This would help reverse the trend to moving jobs overseas.

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