Friday, January 22, 2010


One has to be amazed at how badly we, as a nation, choose our leaders. Generally, the business of Government is complicated and it would make sense to have people who were experienced and competent. However, we tend to elect candidates who we like, competent or not. Now, if the candidates were simply front men for a unified party that had policies and plans we had reviewed and felt comfortable with, this might be OK. However, last year we elected a charismatic candidate with very little experience who had an agenda that most Americans were hardly familiar with. He did promise change, and based on the conditions at the time, change seemed good.

So now, a year later, I think it is fair to say that most Americans are unhappy with the very policies that he always espoused. Maybe we should have paid more attention. Universal health care, should be no surprise. Anti business rhetoric that does nothing to create jobs or fire up the economy, should be no surprise. No experience in foreign affairs and, while good in photo ops, no progress in promoting American policies on the world stage. He continues to pour troops into Afghanistan because, well he doesn't know what else to do.

You can't really blame the President for his lack of experience. We all knew about it. However, he comes out of a political environment (the City of Chicago) where most things that need to happen are in place and all you really fight about are things like what ethnic group or community benefits. Even in that environment, he was really on the outside, criticizing, not on the inside getting things done. His time in the senate certainly wasn't long enough for him to really learn much.

He may be talented, he is certainly very bright, and, after a few years, he may learn how to do his job. Can we really afford to wait? Well we have to, and what is going to happen is that we are going to take away a lot of his support in the mid-term elections and further prolong our Governments inability to address the issues we need addressed.

But then again, what did you expect?

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