Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tea Party?

When you consider the Tea Party Movement you have to wonder why they chose that name. The original group that had that moniker were colonists who objected to the imposition of a tax on tea to pay for the debts from the French and Indian War. One could argue if the tax was in fact justified, but the position was that since the colonists had no say in the British Parliament they shouldn’t be taxed without representation.
Clearly, that is not the same as the current Tea Party members. They got to vote in the last election, assuming they exercised that right, and the people they wanted lost. Now they will get to vote again and maybe the people they want will win. What is missing in this case is the lack of representation. They lost and apparently want to use publicity and mob reactions to overturn the outcome.
I understand their position has more to do with what they perceive to be the increase in big Government and the perceived increase in taxation. Fine, they have the right to take any position they want and I certainly am not a fan of more taxes unless of course the taxes serve a worthwhile public purpose. I need to discuss taxes here at some point but right now I’m simple questioning this Tea Party label.

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