Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We are currently in the midst of a revolution in how we interact with the world around us and each other. As you consider the speed and accessibility of mobile computing, we are finding that location is becoming less and less important, connectivity is the key.
Now of course, this revolution has been ongoing and many may think we are near its end, but I don’t think so. When you consider the social and intellectual frontiers of humanity, we are moving to an age where each of us will in effect carry out world with us wherever we go. We will have all our contacts, all our information and all our entertainment. Strangely, this tremendous increase in mobile productivity will coincide with a decrease in the need to actually be travelling. The mobile interactivity will allow all of us to work together even when we are far apart.
For the last few decades, there has been some progress in this area, but it had flaws. However soon, if not already, we will all have nearly instant access to each other and all our documents. The devices we use will range from smart phones to tablets and mobile computers.
If you accept that the improvement in networks and speed will continue to improve at the rate they have been, there is an unbelievable market opportunity for those that get it right. This opportunity is really just beginning. Whether it is the traditional mobile phone manufacturers or the new entrants who will eventually succeed remains to be seen but there is going to be so much demand that there will be room for many winners.

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