If you have served the country honestly and voted for things you felt were right, why would you run from your record? We are faced with a situation where the economy is still sluggish but we avoided a Depression. We passed health care reform, but could only go so far because of Republican opposition. We reduced our presence in Iraq and refocused our efforts in Afghanistan. There are efforts underway to help small business, improve the country's infrastructure, improve the environment, increase taxes on the wealthy and maintain middle class tax breaks.
Yet, we see a situation where the public is angry and has been fired up by misinformation provided by, in many cases, wealthy individuals who don't want to pay higher taxes. Stand up and educate, don't slink away!
There is a lot more that needs to be done, and failure to finish the job will simply lead to further prosperity for the few at the cost to the many. I'm not talking socialism, but our policies need to restore our declining middle class. The amount of wealth concentrated in the top 1% of our population has never been higher. More and more Americans are falling below the poverty line. Millions of Americans nearing retirement have inadequate resources and without effective social policies that save Social Security and Medicare will find themselves up the creek without, well a nest egg.
Propaganda about wealthy people creating jobs is simply that. They act in their own best interest and if creating a job increases their profitability they will create a job. Let's remember that. They are not, in the business world, altruistic. We have to always remember policies have to encourage job creation in this country. Just letting them keep more profits will not accomplish that. It has to be profitable to employ Americans.
I don't know how the election is going to turn out, and suspect that the misinformation will succeed unless it is countered by the truth. Health care reform is important. Education is important. Helping job creation is important. Improving the environment is important.
It's time to stand up and be counted.