Monday, December 6, 2010

The Republican Party has managed to be the party of big deficits while pretending to be fiscally conservative. They accomplish this by attacking federal revenues and they complaining about spending. Of course they are also responsible for a tremendous increase in the spending on Defense and in turn demand that the Government cut spending on major social programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

Now, of course they don't stop their sleight of hand there. They maintain that they don't want to cut those particular programs but instead want to root out waste and abuse in the rest of the Government budget. Of course, in order to cut enough from the budget if you exclude Defense, Social Security, Medicare and Debt Payments, you almost have to eliminate the rest of the Government. The programs mentioned as well as other mandatory safety net programs account for about 80% of the total budget.

So, in some fictional world, we can reduce 20% of the budget enough to eliminate the deficit while not raising taxes. Of course no one who looks at the numbers realistically believe this is possible and I doubt very much that even the people who propose such a thing could possibly believe it, so we are faced with typical political disinformation in order to gain office and perhaps a future advantage.

By presenting an impossibility to the President, they hope to portray him as ineffectual because his liberal agenda prevents the country from addressing its problems. One would like to think that the country would be better served if all our elected officials actually focused on finding a real solution to our issues.

I guess that is my own unrealistic dream with no chance of actually happening.

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