Friday, January 7, 2011

Congressional Theatre

We witnessed the public spectacle that the new congress will be for some period of time got started yesterday with a reading of the Constitution. Now, the version read left out parts that had been amended over time and I don't really care about that since the whole thing constitutes waste and abuse since I would like to think the congress should be conducting business instead of theatre.

Of course saying there is waste and abuse in congress is probably unnecessary since they have so much of it. They did cut their own budget by 5% but are now going to engage in some additional play acting related to repealing the Health Reform Bill.

Now we have a lot of people who were elected because a certain portion of the public was angry and went out and voted. Remember that the turnout was typically low for a mid-term election so the mandate is really the feelings of about 25% or so of the American public, many of whom I firmly believe were caught up in the concept of "throwing the rascals out".

The cause of our economic problems is unrelated to the Health Care Reform and probably unrelated to anything the current Administration has done. What the current Administration failed to do was get us out of the mess we were in, and it is questionable if there is really anything that would have accomplished that in the first two years.

The good news seems to be that the economy has picked up some steam recently; however, it is still easily derailed. The new crop of congressmen may be the cause of the next train wreck if they don't actually get to work and stop posturing.

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