Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Logical Decisions?

One of the things that is clear that when emotions get enflamed people make decisions that are not in their own best interests. As a retired federal employee, I stay in contact with that community. Now let me say that in general, these are people with good guaranteed pensions and assuming they made the right decisions at retirement affordable health care. However, last year, it seemed more and more of them (certainly not all) became emotionally connected with the tea party movement and joined the “get rid of Obama socialism faction”.
Now, however you feel about Obama’s policies or whether they had a socialist tendency, one thing was always abundantly clear. He was going to be better for federal workers and retirees than the alternative. Now, of course if you believe he was going to lead to the total collapse of civilization as we know it, opposition is logical, but I don’t think that was the general belief. So, assuming the expressed opinions of these people reflected their votes, they would have voted for tea party type candidates.
Now they are faced with federal pay freezes and attacks on their benefits and interestingly, despite their votes for exactly those things, they seem surprised. Additionally, they are blaming Obama. Now, while Obama is still the President and has to make tough decisions, does anyone not understand that he is forced to accommodate the new majority in the House?
One is almost face with an inescapable conclusion that the animosity towards him is based on something other than reality.

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