Sunday, September 2, 2012

Common Sense

Every so often I see or hear someone talk about how a little common sense would go a long way to solving our problems.

The problem with common sense, is as I believe Will Rogers put it, it isn't very common.

It also contradicts itself.

Common sense tells you that if the Government keeps running up debt, we will eventually go bankrupt.

Common sense also tells us that reduceing spending or raising taxes in a weak will lead to economic contraction and lower tax revenues, driving up the debt.

Without actually lookng at the details, a lot of people talk about the wasteful Government spending that we need to stop.

In realitiy, the vast majority of spending is on defense or entitilements.  Sending a check to a social security recipient isn't wasteful spending.  Paying our military isn't wasteful spending.

Not to say there isn't waste in Government spending, inevitably, there is some waste in every human endeavor.  It's just that reducing spending won't get rid of the waste, we don't know how it got there and can't find it most of the time.

If we could find it, we would get rid of it, no one is for waste

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