Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Silly Shutdown

When you play poker, you have to "know when to hold them and know when to fold them"  and if you don't you will get taken to the cleaners. 

Certain Republicans thought that the cards they held, shutting down the government, were worth holding and that they could get concessions.  Well they didn't and I think they will get taken to the cleaners.

The scary part is that they are simply too ignorant to realize that the Affordable Care Act is not going away and to shut down the government or too create a default will end up causing a lot of unnecessary grief.

I think they are terrified by the fact that the dire predictions they made about the law are not going to come true.  The exchanges are up and the premiums are actually reasonably affordable.  There are some glitches, but mainly because of the tremendous amount of interest.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the law, but it is going to become better understood now that it is going live and the Republicans are terrified by that.  It really is a pretty good law once you get to know it, not perfect, but still pretty good. 

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