Sunday, July 31, 2016

Quick update

Got busy and haven't posted in quite a while but think its about time.

Not many followers read this and obviously there's been nothing to read.  But just in case let me start with a quick update.

Last day at DCMA was July 1st and I may or may not do some consulting now but time to cut back on the full time work.

Looks like we are finally selling the Pratt Street house and its about time.

Deciding what to do with the Condo in Virginia use, rent or sell.  Still up in the air.

Have a lot of work to do here in Lindenhurst do to my being away so much, but the weather has been too hot to do much outside.

Everyone is healthy mostly, and that's really all that matters.

This election is in full swing now and for pure entertainment value it will be hard to beat the primary season.  Unfortunately, elections have turned into circuses in this country and we need to do something about that.  Americans need to pay attention to the issues and stop rewarding negative campaigns and sensationalist claims.

If you know me at all it shouldn't be a surprise hat I support the Democratic candidate, who might have some flaws (who doesn't) but is clearly so much better qualified.  I find it hard to believe it will even be competitive when the smoke clears.

Yankees are still in contention, but starting to look like they are preparing for the future by trading the great relievers they have.  The bullpen was so strong it may be the best way to get great prospects.

Two months to go they need production from the aging stars to have any chance at all to squeak in.

Haven't been to a game in a few years but may go to one before this season ends.

That's enough for now.


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