One of the trends in this country is that party registrations are down while independent registration is up. This is something of a misleading stat, since generally speaking independents don't have a candidate to vote for. Maybe they should.
Most States make party affiliation the easiest way to get listed on the ballot. The requirement to get listed varies but generally it requires petitions signed by a significant number of citizens and meeting filing deadlines. Some states make it easier than others but ultimately the two "major" parties get the top spots on the ballot.
We are living in a time when the differences between the parties seem greater than ever. Not as much in actual policies as in animosity. In many areas people are being told how democrats are socialists who kill babies. This exceeds the argument about abortion.
As far as policy goes, the Republicans object to the policies that they accuse Democrats of having. In some cases, some democrats may actually support some of those policies but generally most don't. Most Democrats are moderate in their views, just like most Republicans.
Still the hatred exists and is fed by rabid media.
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