Sunday, May 17, 2009


Criticism is one of the easiest thing in the world nowadays. I was watching a financial news channel that over a really short period of time criticized the current administration for:

a. Rushing legislation through congress without proper reflection;
b. Not acting fast enough in distributing the stimulus money;
c. Recklessly sending out stimulus money to dead people;
d. Interfering in industries where they had no expertise.

I think they criticized a few other things in the hour or so I watched and I guess they want:

a. Legislation sitting in Congress forever
b. Money sent out recklessly
c. No error rate in the databases used by the Government.
d. Letting our well run banks and auto companies continue to do the great job that brought us to the brink of collapse.

Of course these "news" shows don't have to actually propose a solution, they can take positions that cater to a certain audience.

I don't know if the current administration is doing all the right things, but it is pretty clear that it took over in the midst of one of the greatest financial crisis's ever (in the top 5 for sure), with an inefficient and expensive health care delivery system, millions of people losing their homes and jobs disappearing at a tremendous rate. Every great leader that has expressed opinions on leadership has basically said it is better to start and adjust than to do nothing. That course of action can lead to errors but you proceed, adjust along the way and ultimately you find the right path to success.

Trying is the key.

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