Friday, May 15, 2009

Hard decisions

I've never encountered any event that met the definition of a miracle. Without getting into a religious discussion, I generally believe that if there are miracles they are few and far between. You do read of people who were told they had an incurable disease and staged a remarkable recovery. Certainly, they may very well believe that that was a miracle, and maybe it was, but I don't think anyone should count on miracles as a way of life.

Why is this important? Well the obvious reason is that ultimately the outcome you should exect is usually the one that is the most probable. Now there are some exceptions, for example while generally the odds of any one person winning a big lottery prize are extremely small, it might be worth a small risk since the rewards so greatly exceed the risk. Of course if you put your total income into lottery tickets, slot machines or anything else, you are most likely headed to disaster.

Why don't people take the course of action that is the most likely to succeed? Well, oftentimes it is a difficult path. If you want to lose weight and don't have a medical issue, if you reduce the number of calories you consume, and increase the number of calories you burn via exercise, you will impact your weight. There is no question about that but many of us have problems doing this. So there are many ads about miracle pills help people lose weight and they do a great business because they promise a path that avoids the hard work involved in surefire success. I don't know if any of them work, but considering the obesity problem in America, it would appear that they can't be as good as they claim.

There are almost never any simple answers to complex problems. Also, most of the time even when you take the correct course of action there will be setbacks along the way. If you are trying to lose weight and despite watching your diet and exercising, you strangely gain weight one day, it doesn't mean you should give up. You need to make sure you are in fact sticking to your plan and give it time to work.

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