Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School Crowds

I went to a local outdoor outlet mall yesterday since the weather was nearly perfect and my teenager still needs some back to school items. I have never seen this mall so packed with back to school shoppers. In the only store we actually purchased something in, American Eagle, the lines were extremely long.

Now, there were of course many labor day sales going on, and this is only one mall on one day, but all the food places and all the stores were jammed. In fact, we decided it wasn't worth the wait to get lunch there and headed home, we live very close.

Now, if this is a slow back to school season and if the recession is still bad, this must have been an aberration. This is a relatively new mall and I've been there many times, including last Christmas but it never was as busy as it was yesterday.

For what it is worth, the desire of teenagers to look good for school seems to have triumphed over other considerations, at least around here.

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