Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On the other hand

I have been hearing a lot of "on the other hand" analysis recently. These are the people who find the dark cloud inside every silver lining. Now, it certainly is good to be cautious, especially after what the economy has been through but it is pretty easy to overdo it.

I read an analysis meant to counter an observation that ARMs resetting may not be a major problem because interest rates are so low. The dark cloud indicated by this analyst was that while, yes interest rates are low now but what if they go up? Also, some of these mortgages, and no numbers were provided, were exotic mortgages that allowed payments to be negative equity and lots of other things that could still blow up so we should all buy a lot of canned goods and head to the mountains with our gold.

Oh, and analyst after analyst first like to say the stimulus was poorly directed, but then when there is any good news, they say it was all caused by the stimulus and when that ends we should all buy some canned goods and head to the mountains with our gold.

Of course stock prices are clearly unsustainable and when the people buying stocks finally realize they have been making money in a sucker's rally things will get really bad and we should all buy some canned goods and head for the mountains with our gold.

Speaking of gold, the dollar is about to collapse, leading to rampant inflation as soon as those Chinese buyer of our bonds wise up. Better buy some canned goods and head for the mountains with our gold.

I actually could go on and on, the impending trade war with China, the upcoming explosion in oil prices, the commercial real estate collapse, the loss of all that banking talent because the Government is limiting bonuses, the further declines in housing prices, the W recovery (I guess in honor of our recent President), etc. etc.

Meanwhile, those of us suckers enjoying our stock rally are getting really nervous about the best way to spend our profits. I guess canned goods is one way to go.

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