Monday, September 14, 2009

Should the Government trust Wall Street?

Now that the financial system appears relatively safe, there is an uproar on Wall Street about the extent of Government involvement and the fact that the US Government is so invested in some of our major companies, like GM, CitiBank, AIG etc.

So Wall Street wants the Government to disengage and let them get back to business. Of course the big question you have to ask is what is this business they need to get back to?

Clearly, left largely to their own devices under the previous administration, this business was actually, risky business. Now, in a movie by that name, risky business involved prostitution and on wall street, it has a very similar meaning, in which they take your money and then they do something to you.

I just love to hear the "purists" decry big Government and unnecessary Government intrusion. Of course when they end up losing billions of dollars, many of these same purists learn a different song.

I don't think the Government should hold on to company stock, although, maybe they should use it to prop up Social Security and/or Medicare. However, they do need to make sure that companies that are in the business of handling other people's money, are following strict rules and have transparency. Who cares if Wall Street likes it, its usually not even their money.

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