Saturday, September 5, 2009

Where the jobs are

In order to create jobs the Government stimulus for renewable and native energy sources needs to pick up. We can energise construction by further promoting energy efficient and solar solutions on houses and by further using natural gas, wind, solar and nuclear with room for clean coal, we can keep more American wealth in this country and import energy jobs.

Further, making cheap energy a fixture in this country, will induce additional manufacturing, especially as the cleaner fuels reduce issues related to pollution. It would further be enhanced by reforming the tax code, but simply slowing and then stopping the export of wealth generated in this country would provide greater economic growth, improve the tax base and lead to budget surpluses and a burn down of the deficit.

Yesterday we had a Saudi Prince accuse the President of being unrealistic as he pushes for energy independence. The fact that he did that indicates that the Prince knows that reduced demand for oil, even on admittedly a small scale to start, will result in lower prices and less wealth transferred from this country to theirs.

I'm OK with that!

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