Monday, October 5, 2009

Simple things

The economic recovery we have started is going to build up momentum as soon as we turn the corner on jobs creation. Of course, a certain number of jobs have been cut and they will never come back due to productivity improvements in the form of technological improvements and other factors. So to really get job growth, we have to stimulate new growth industries and reform our tax system to encourage jobs in this country instead of overseas.

I believe renewable and domestic energy as well as the growth in technology offers our best opportunity for significant job growth. I've discussed it before and if you want to have effective stimulus programs, it should be directed to home and industrial energy improvements and conversion to domestic and renewable energy sources.

Secondly, we need to change our corporate tax structure to tax items sold in this country no matter where manufactured. This change would level the playing field and reduce incentives to shift employment overseas.

These simple steps would go a very long way in putting a solid foundation under the recovery.

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