Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Achieving Goals

In order to achieve a goal two things are required. First you have to know what the goal is and second you have to know how to achieve it. The first step, knowing the goal, is actually the more difficult of the two. That may seem counterintuitive to many but having a clear goal and keeping it in front of you will prompt the behavior needed to achieve it. Of course in the general scheme of things, the goal has to be within the realms of possibility, although it can be a real stretch goal. It is possible to have multiple goals but, you really are better off pursuing one primary goal.
If you know what the goal is, you have to be steadfast in achieving it. If you want to be President of the United States you pretty much have to devote every minute of every day to that goal. If you want to lose weight, you must always keep that in mind. Goals about which we procrastinate are seldom achieved and worthwhile goals do not just happen. There are those who think we can influence external events with positive thinking. This has gone by a number of names and if you look into it they endorse various techniques. The one thing the ones I am aware of is that they require you to focus on what you want to happen. Do these techniques work? I believe they do, but not via some magical influence but simply because if you focus enough on what you want, it will drive the correct behavior.
Goal driven behavior is the key. If you look at every choice you make with a single goal in mind and pick the action that helps achieve your goal, your chances of achieving your goal increase.

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