Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Seems like today would be a good day to focus on what can we do to reduce wasting resources. A lot of time people think this requires some sort of big solution, but sitting back and waiting for the Government to come up with something, after all the lobbying and compromising that is going to go on, is probably not the best approach. To a large extent the economic slowdown and subsequent reduction in traffic and gasoline usage has probably done more for the environment in the last few months than any Government program. Use of earth friendly light bulbs, adjusting thermostats, adding insulation and increased usage of solar panels where feasable are all things that are going on right now that are having an impact.
Germany is way ahead of us right now in solar and I see that as an area of significant opportunity over the next few years (we are better suited for this than Germany).
Think there are going to be some significant tax incentives coming for installation of solar.

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