Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring thoughts

I think we all have an image of Spring as a pleasant time of year where there is rebirth, flowers and general optimism about the future. Certainly yesterday on Long Island the weather supported that view of Spring, but for a lot of early Spring the weather is unpredictable and often quite nasty. We seem to quickly forget this every year and remember the days that support our idea of Spring. Simply put this is just an example of how we are all (or at least most of us) intrinsically optimistic and ready to move forward. This is possibly the one great characteristic of the human spirit, the ability to see the positive and work towards it. There have been truly terrible events and castastrophe's and listing them here would be boring but after every one of them, humanity has rebounded and gotten stronger. The current economic situation certainly is having a terrible impact on certain individuals, but if anyone thinks this is the end of humanity, or growth, or progress, I think they have failed to pay any attention to our history.

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