Sunday, April 19, 2009

Predicting the future

Have been reading a lot about the economy and people's opinions on what is going to happen. All of these prognosticators have their pet theory and of course present arguments in support of that theory. They range from "recovery is right around the corner" to "we are in a death spiral where increasing unemployment reduces spending reducing sales leading to unemployment leading to ...".
I'm not going to predict anything, but it does seem that one thing we should consider is adjusting the work week. If we don't have enough jobs for everyone, having people work less hours would create more of them. Also, having more leisure time (while employed) would most likely result in increased spending, leading to more sales and more jobs.
I guess the real question is would such a policy make us uncompetitive in the world market and I don't honestly know the answer to that. It would seem that core industries should be able to compete.
Just a thought.

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