Saturday, February 15, 2020

A World of Uncertainty

So much of the information being circulated is false that it can become nearly impossible to know what is true.  Our mainstream media has been attacked as fake news and alternative media has created different news as true.

It has gotten to the point where things that should be undisputed get disputed.  If you buy into the theory that the Government is in control of people who want to deceive you, then who can you trust?

At one time late night radio had shows on that were controversial and in many ways amusing.  Stories about area 51 or who shot JFK allowed listeners to speculate and often absurd theories.

Unfortunately some people did take them seriously.

The internet and the rise of other media sources on cable have made these type of theories circulate further.

Some of our well established media outlets are accused of bias and falsehoods.

You could try to rely on scientific evidence or hard news except some attach those too.

One would like to think the public can figure it out, but when popular media is telling them false theories as possibilities, the public is faced with a difficult job.  As noted by George Orwell in his boo 1984.

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

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