Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Winning Policies

One of the things that I find annoying is how we see pundits talking about what Democrats have to do to win the next election.

What you never hear is that they should adopt good policies.

Instead we have to get this vote or that vote, pick a candidate who can win, focus on the right states, get out the vote etc.

Now all of these might be true from a political perspective but I like to think, maybe incorrectly that the voters care about the issues.

Hopefully real ones.

For example finding a way to make sure everyone can get quality medical care with having to declare bankruptcy.

Reestablishing a measure of fairness in our tax system.

Reducing the level of damage we are doing to our only planet.

Improve the safety of all Americans domestically.

Protect America from external threats.

Develop a fair and logical policy on immigration.

Improve our ability to compete globally by providing our children and adults with the skills they need.

Eliminate discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation while preserving everyone's individual belief system.

The eonomy we have now is creating sub-par jobs for many, driving up the national debt and increasing wealth disparity.  It isn't the best we can do.

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