Saturday, February 22, 2020

Smoke and Mirrors

Consider the current debates about the future of this country.

On one hand we have one party that says you are pretty much on your own.  Earn what you need or go without.

The other party wants to guarantee a certain level of security to all Americans.

Health Care, Student Debt, Homelessness, Jobs, are areas that should be provided or at least enabled by the Government.

Of course it isn't quite as clear as that, but given the ability to do it, the most die hard Republicans would eliminate all those new deal things like Social Security and bank regulation as well as remove restriction on business owners and landlords about who they can hire or rent to.

Their theory is that economic forces would result in a fair system while motivating everybody to work hard.  They have in fact achieved some notable successes in reducing Union influence and certain social programs.

While few would cite it at least in public, the immortal words of Ebenezer Scrooge rings true about the poor,  “If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” 

Its pretty clear which vision is more popular so we see significant distractions used to mask the positions.  Certain social issues have been used to garner support even when the economics would indicate otherwise.

Things like immigration, abortion, patriotism, are used to sway voters, even when many of the issues are fabricated.  Take patriotism.  Generally things that are not actually happening or at least not happening very much are presented as big issues.  If some homeowners association won't  allow flags to be displayed its pretty much their issue, yet you will likely see it as an attack on our rights.  

It just isn't.  The very same people who defend a baker's right to refuse service to people want to interfere in a homeowner's association setting rules.  

The inconsistencies are ignored because it's all manipulated in the first place.

They need to use smoke and mirrors to hide the truth.

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