Friday, February 14, 2020

Hate and Oppression

Many people in this country are willing to put up with someone like the current President because they feel their values are being betrayed.

Abortion, gay marriage, transgender, and other issues are viewed as violations of their faith and beliefs.

Ideas which have become well accepted on the coasts and big cities are still not so accepted in much of the heartland, especially among evangelicals.

This creates a problem because the concept of individual freedom is not something liberals and progressives can abandon.

It really becomes an issue of oppression.

Throwing off the oppression which made these things illegal or unacceptable is now viewed as oppression by the politically correct.

Both sides view the other as tyrannical.

Evangelicals view what is going on as equivalent to the stories of Sodom and Gomorra while liberals see their reaction as Neo-Fascist.

Its hard to see how this gets resolved in the near term.  Clearly as time goes on more and more freedoms have been accepted, but much of this is related to what Evangelicals see as bad Court Decisions, which they hope to overturn.

Unfortunately many evangelical churches are teaching hate and not love, although they disguise it as hating the sin, not the sinner.

However if they win and suppress gay rights among others, it isn't a real distinction.

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