Sunday, February 2, 2020

We, the People

There are some fundamental issues in America that should be fixed.  This is not to say that the country isn't great in many respects but if the idea of a country is to represent its people and do the most good it can we have some issues.

Some of the issues stem from a different objective, to prevent the tyranny of the many and preserve individual rights.  Those two ideals are not actually in conflict but in some cases we need to understand the conflict.

For example two current issues represent this, Abortion and Gun Ownership.  Abortion has significant religious involvement but the simple fact is that people who oppose it are trying to impose their will on others.  Pro choice people have no interest in making anyone have an abortion, simply that they are free to do so.  In a case like this we should protect the individual and not force specific behavior on them.  If the argument is that the unborn have rights, well not in any real sense.  Its still true that those who hold such a belief are trying to impose it on others which they just don't have a right to do so.  Gun rights has the same issue.  No one who supports gun rights generally demands that other get guns.  I'm not sure anyone is trying to take guns away despite NRA propaganda but in the same way we regulate things like automobiles, we should also regulate guns.  However the fundamental right to own them is

Protecting these rights are not the real issue.  The real issue is that democracy requires that the will of the people be heard.  Something that was built into our constitution to protect slavery continues and has in fact become worse.  The idea that the country is a group of states, instead of a democracy.

No matter where you live or what you believe, as an American you should have an equal say in the policies of this country.  That simply isn't true in this country.  People in low population states have a bigger impact than people in high population states.

There are numerous ways to fix this but under the current system any fixes can be blocked by the same states that benefit from the inequality.

 Unfortunately we can see that self interest is in charge and democratic ideals get ignored.

We the people shouldn't stand for it.

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