Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Scientific Theory

If you consider the things large sections of our country seemingly believe, One has to wonder about our educational system.

Part of the reason for this is that much of what we know is based on science and all science theories.

Now take something like gravity.  We know what it is, we know how to measure it and we know it varies somewhat based on factors such as altitude.  So science makes statements like we know something is 99.99% certain.  This doesn't imply there is any doubt, simply that because of the complex number of variables, we haven't measured every one.

Take vaccinations.

There is at this time no valid evidence that vaccinations cause autism.  Does this mean that no vaccine has ever cause autism?  We don't know that for sure.  We know that getting a vaccination does not increase your chances of getting autism over not getting a vaccination.  Since the cause for autism are not fully known, we can only eliminate it as a direct cause.

Science, unlike say Religion, excepts the possibility that theories can change if new data is discovered.  Going back to Gravity we accepted Newtonian theory.  Then with later developments we modified it using better knowledge.

That sort of thing doesn't negate the concept of Gravity it expands it to include the new data.  Gravity is not a universal constant, it depends on where you are in the Universe.

No one on earth is going to start floating anytime soon.  I am at least 99.9% certain of that.

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