Thursday, February 20, 2020

Word are now the Sticks

In general I believe everyone should be nice to everyone else.  I reality I understand that lide isn't like that.  The question becomes what part does the Government of the courts have in this.

I grew up at a time when the following chant was pretty common, "Sticks and Stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me".  It was a response you made to someone who insulted you or made a derogatory statement about you.

Nowadays we seem to have decided that words can hurt you.  Of course it was always pretty obvious that words could be painful, they led to emotional displays and sometimes violence.  Still at least at one time we seemed to accept that what you said wasn't generally actionable.

This has changed and we now can pursue things like hostile workplaces, and harassment where no physical actions took place.

It didn't happen all at once, we live in a country where law is driven by precedents, so once one case determined something was wrong it became a precedent.  The fact that it hadn't been wrong until that time was sort of a non-issue.

Once again I would like everyone to be nice but if someone is having a bad day and says you look ugly or oddly if they say you look nice, we might have a cause of action.

This is the political correctness that at times seems out of control.

It has almost become as popular as playing the lottery, hoping to get a documented instance that you can use.

Maybe we really have become a nation of overly sensitive victims.

I hope not.

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