Tuesday, February 11, 2020

More Primaries

It seems like Joe Biden's run for President is in trouble.

He hasn't provided the necessary charisma or enthusiasm so far and its doubtful that he will.

Except for his age, I believe he would have been the candidate we needed,   He was progressive but not extreme and had appeal to working men and minorities.

If you are looking for radical change after the next election, he wouldn't be your guy.

The fact is that he is perceived as and in fact is what I would call a regular guy, not some elitist.

I don't want to exclude women from that category, Amy Klobuchar certainly would qualify.  Maybe a better term would be regular people.

They have a quality that makes you feel like you could run into them at a fast food restaurant one day.

Harvard College professors, socialists and others give a different impression.

Realistically, progressives and others on the left should have learned their lesson from the last election.  Whatever they thought about Hillary, she would have listened to their concerns and helped as opposed to what they get now.  If they fail to support the nominee again they might as well go back in time to the 50s.

What we really need in a candidate is someone who can win over those regular people who would like a good job, drug free children, and what some would consider a boring life.

The whole political correct thing is of little interest to them.  They don't really care if some people feel unsupported about their gender choices, as we used to say in the Army, it sounds like a personnel issue.

They aren't trying to offend anyone, they just don't want to be nagged.

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