Some of the things people are willing to believe are simply unbelievable. In the Ohio Senate race one of the candidates apparently thinks the census reported that more people voted then were registered to vote, thereby proving election fraud. No such report exists, the census didn't make that claim and the facts show nothing close to that. Most of the other Republican candidates still support the idea that the last Presential election was stolen, trying to get endorsed.
This is not the most blatant lie currently, although it is close. The accusations fired at our Supreme Court nominee were mostly based on nothing except a desire to get sound bites. A certain number of Americans will believe them anyway.
Free Speech is one of our great freedoms but seeing it get abused like this makes you wonder if we need stronger libel and slander laws. Free Speech protects the speakers right to say what he wants, but does it protect him from answering for his lies?
Reform in this area is unlikely, we have too many impediments to progress.
Lying is very important to some politicians.