Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Our Precarious Existence

 It's not something we like to think about a lot but our existence, living on a rock in the vast expanse of the Universe, is lucky and easily snuffed out without much warning.  Now the very good news, is that while there are many projectiles in space that could disrupt our existence, space is extremely vast, so we are sort of the needle in a haystack.  Sill while the odds of a major collision is very low, given enough time they are going to happen.  Could be this year, this century, this millennia or several millennia in the future.  They have happened before, just ask the dinosaurs, and they will happen again.  There is very little we can do about it so probably better not to worry.  We do have the ability to see it coming but if we do we ay or may not be able to do something about it.  

Some might put your faith in God who in most of our egocentric religions has a special regard for us.  Despite what some of the people running those organizations claim, God did not write those books, men did.  Were they inspired by God?  Sure, why not, believe whatever you want.  It's a lot like using a QUIJA board.  It spells things out but despite all the denials, it is influence, even if subconsciously by the participants.   

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