Saturday, March 12, 2022

Innocents Dying in Ukraine

 The main thing I know about the war in Ukraine is that innocent people are dying because of it.  I don't mean to imply that the soldiers dying are guilty of anything, although they may be, but the expanding shelling is causing death to people who had no part in this.

The other thing I know is that the Russians are in Ukraine, not the other way around.  Now of course in war one army is normally in foreign space.  There was and is no indicator that Ukraine was doing anything to hurt Russia, except to act independently.  I can see how trying to join NATO could be viewed by a paranoid Dictator as a provocation.  We adhere to the principles of the Monroe Doctrine which is in all honesty a presumptuous policy that is only enforceable if we are stronger than those violating it. 

It was in effect a statement of support for the ex-Spanish colonies.  

Russia under Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union.  It won't happen and in fact he may have doomed his regime.  

Will Russians except the consequences of the sanctions?  

We will see.

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