Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Colonization was Brutal

 There is no doubt that the Americas were colonized by Europeans using brutal methods.  Brutality wasn't uncommon and certainly applying it to natives was considered acceptable.  The Spanish and Portuguese had a head start and when you read about some of their conquests and treatment of the natives, it offends your modern sensibilities.

The great riches stolen by those two powers led to open robbery by pirates and privateers.  There was no real consideration for anything, but profit.

The treatment of African slaves was also brutal and uncaring. Slavery was always brutal, slaves were never volunteers, 

The legacy of slavery in this country lives on because somewhat uniquely using Africans made them and their children distinguishable.  Ancient Rome survived because of the slave for hundreds of years, but once freed they became indistinguishable.

Americans for the most part have come a long way although there is still mor to be done.  We need to stop defining things based on the color of one's skin.  Sometimes I thin that is done more by well meaning people than racists.  If you conider every one a racist, you cna't identify the real ones.

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