Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 Reports out of Ukraine indicate that many of the Russian troops don't want to be there and have surrendered in units and potentially sabotaged some of their equipment.  I think Putin is going to keep raising the stakes if there isn't a safe (for him) path out.

He never expected the West to unite and impose such serious sanctions on him and Russia.  His economy is in real trouble and his "allies" are dwindling.  No one, including his own people bought his propaganda and in today's age of communication, you can't really continue to lie to the people.

You can keep lying but your lies will only be accepted by you loyal followers and after a while not even them.  

In last night's State of the Union we saw positive and truthful messaging promising a brighter future for America. Not that things are that bad now, we have a booming economy, plenty of jobs, increasing wages and a virus that seems under control for the most part.  Yes there is inflation and oil and gas are expensive, but steps are being taken to solve those problems.  We even have an administration attacking Climate Change and attempting sensible border control and crime control.

Providing the police, the resources to do their job the right way is the best solution.  

Let's figure out how to work together and not fight for no reason.

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