Sunday, March 13, 2022

Finding Blame

 We like to place blame for things.  There often isn't any real reason too, but it makes us feel better.

Did chamberlain enable Hitler at Munich?  Maybe he did, but had he rejected the deal would things have gone differently?  Who is responsible for inflation or high gas prices, Biden?  Almost definitely not but it plays well with the right wing of this country.

On the other hand people also like to attribute big things to odd causes.  Do butterflies flapping their wings lead to tornados.  

We waste a lot of time and effort to determine causes and fault when by that time it already happened.  In the military the debriefing relates to avoiding the same problem in the future.  It can work, but that depends.  The British Navy during the age of sail only engaged when the wind was favorable to them.  This seems like a policy all the Navies would have followed but I guess they did it better.

Sometimes the inquiry is to punish the offenders.  Some are designed to discredit the innocent.

Sometimes they accomplish nothing at all.

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