Friday, March 18, 2022

Poor Attack Strategies

 I find it hard to understand how anyone not under Russia's control could look at the situation in Ukraine and think the nvasion was justified.  I'm not saying Russia has no legitimate position, the expansion of NATO could in their view threaten their security, but the response to that is not an invasion.

The fact that we have some people defending the Russian actions.  If we had a declared war they would be guilty of lending support to the enemy.  What is also clear is that our "loyal" opposition is very opposed to the President getting any credit for dealin with a dnagerous situation and in effect stoppin this dictator, even if only temporarily.

The whole world expected the Russian to role over the Ukrainians.  They didn't and most of the world has united behind the brave resistance being put up.  The actions of our administration has been helpful and the people looking for things to attack are also getting a bit desperate.

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