Monday, March 7, 2022

Real Intelligence?

 I tend to have limited exposure to the current breed of conspiracy theorists, partly on purpose but every so often it happens.  The question is how do people we consider intelligent spout some of the stupidest things?

Maybe it says more about us than about them.   It makes me think of how you try to promote people with perspective, not just people who work hard.

When you interview candidates there is an interaction that usually leads you to the best candidate.  When you ask five people an interview question that requires some thought, the answers will range from the bland to the interesting.  What you are looking for, or at least what I was looking for, is an answer that makes you think by providing a new, valid perspective.  

I'm not talking about purely mechanical positions, promotions usually put people in leadership roles.  Some people ae clearly not ready for that, people who often seem capable and intelligent.  

What you realize is that many candidates don't possess any real critical thinking tools.  They want to be told what to believe and exactly what you want them to do.  They are intelligent enough to "pass" but they are easily swayed.  They don't understand why they don't get selected and if you discuss it with them they tend to argue they got the answers right.  There were no right answers really.  

They need alternate explanations for their failures and are ready for someone who explains it all, no matter how crazy the answers are.  

So are they intelligent?  Not on the level that really matters, but they can do certain things.  

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