Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Will of the Majority?

 It's actually pretty simple, let every legal vote count.  What we are seeing are attempts to define "legal" to exclude votes that should count but are not for the "right" candidate.

In a Democracy we have times when we lose elections.  The impact of this really depends on just how different the policies are.  When I was young one major complaint was that the two major parties were basically the same.  This was viewed in a negative way by those trying to change the system.  

The problem now is that the two major parties have irreconcilable differences.  

When we had both parties run by party bosses, they ended up very close on many issues as they tried to win over voters by satisfying the majority of Americans. This didn't appeal to the fringe voters who felt unrepresented.

We now have a system where primaries determine a lot of policies.  Primaries if everyone voted would represent the opinions of the majority.  However, the apathy and lack of interest in primaries has led to radical fringes becoming dominant.

Not at all reflective of the populace in general.  

What was the more democratic system?

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