Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Spring Is a Gift

 My backyard is full of birds much of the year but in the spring I have the most.  Right outside my kitchen window is a tree in bloom that attracts feeding birds.  I'm not sure if they eat the blooms or insects attracted to the blooms but there's enough traffic to suggest the food supply is fairly plentiful and constant.

When you see them up close you can see how they are related to how dinosaurs are depicted.  No one ever actually saw  dinosaur, if you exclude birds.  Still our scientists have rendered depictions and recovered fossils giving us a good idea of what they looked like.

Think about how long life has existed on this planet?  Every year, whatever life was here the solar energy and the soil nutrients provided food for all life here.  It has varied and the food chains have chainged but it still continues to provide,

For much of its history humankind did not exist.  We seem to be trying to eliminate us again.  Take care of the earth and we can last as long as the birds have.  

Or not.

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