Tuesday, August 23, 2016

American Values 3

One of the rights we have is the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.  Like all our rights this is designed to protect us from the Government oppressing us.  The only problem with this is that the right only exists if you are alive and we currently see too many examples of suspects not making it that far.

It is also obvious that the suspects in most danger are often young and black.  There are a number of reasons for this, one of which has to be a certain degree of racism.  I don't believe that most police officers are racist, but I do think that the police have a bias against young black men because experience tells them they are more likely to be dangerous.

Now clearly not all are and I don't pretend to know the percentages.  There are a whole lot of economic and social factors that impact young men without opportunities added to the fact that this age group tends to have some underdeveloped judgement skills, no matter what ethic background.

Human nature being what it is the reactions are more drastic based on the perceived danger.  This has led to some incidents that are tragic and in some cases hard to fathom.

I certainly don't want to attack the police who have a terribly difficult and dangerous job and who obviously have the right to protect themselves.  However, there have clearly been some instances caught on camera where the reactions are excessive and inappropriate.

Every person has the right to life.  We also are presumed innocent until found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of our peers.  Apprehending suspects who resist is clearly a dangerous situation with an uncertain outcome.

We need well trained police who can protect all the people effectively.  We should support them but not accept blatant racist or criminal behavior by anyone in an official capacity.

If the police operate as an occupying force then they are not serving the public.  If the policeman or woman feels that the people they are supposed to protect are actually the enemy we have a formula for tragedy.  Certainly all lives do matter, but the ones frequently at risk are black ones, so I see nothing wrong with reminding everyone that they matter too.

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