Monday, August 29, 2016

Con Games

When you walk around New York or any big city you will get approached at times by strangers with a proposition that seems too good to be true.  Now as a young boy I was warned about con men and other things, but there is a certain appeal to what they offer.

Everything is great and you are guaranteed to win.  The watch is really worth thousands but he needs $50 immediately so he has to part with it.  Watch the plant pick out the right card each time, and see how easy it is.

The fact is that human nature being what it is, we think we can outsmart the con.  We can't.  Not that they are smarter than us, but they do it all the time compared to our once or twice.

Now, they had to make money doing these things or they would have stopped after a while.  Of course a lot of this has moved to the internet and once again, the idea that a Nigerian Prince has picked your name out or you have won a foreign raffle you didn't enter is sort of ludicrous but we as a people want to hope and trust and look at all that money.

Its all a con and the faster you realize that the safer you are.

Now we have a candidate who is giving the same sort of spiel that every big city hustler always has.  You are guaranteed to win, trust him, its going to be great, the other guy will pay, the product is real. What do you have to lose.

If it smells like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its probably a duck.

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