Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday Thoughts

Generally most people have few interactions with the Federal Government, if you exclude getting mail, which most of us take for granted.  Why is everyone so agitated?

Don't believe everything you hear.

People are just people.  

Calling a group "those people" says more about you than it does about them.

Too many people are willing to send other people's children into danger.  

Its always easy to decide what went wrong after something did.

Killing anybody is problematic, even if they really deserve it.

Trend data is often the most unreliable so if someone uses it, make sure you know how.

The Earth is getting warmer, we put a lot of trapped carbon back into the atmosphere.

People are better at solving problems than the Government is.

If you decide to do the wrong thing because everyone else is, you are still doing the wrong thing.

If you find a couple of aberrations in a large sample, that's normal. 

Every dominant power before America has met there downfall.  Might want to remember that.

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