Thursday, August 18, 2016

More Random Stuff

Sometimes people make up stories to explain things that don't need to be explained until the lie comes out. This thing in Rio should have been nothing, now its something.

We all tend to think the universe revolves around us, it doesn't.

People who repeat lies are really just as guilty as the original liar.

Everybody is posting on their expensive cell phones over social media from their expensive coffee shops just how bad things are.

Most unemployed people today don't have the skills they need.  Solution, go get some skills,

The idea that some people deserve our help and others don't is both elitist and non-christian.  Think it also violates every other religion but not an expert.

Our founders talked about the rights of the people not the rights of the citizen.  Lets not misquote them.

Statistics don't lie, the people who interpret them might.

Some things are simply not crimes, even if we don't like them.

No one is right all the time, so if you blindly support a side you are wrong some times.

I would recommend walking a mile is the other person's shoes, except most of us never walk a mile.

Americans have more in common with other Americans than we do with any other nationality.

There are people who would kill people for disrespecting the flag.  Really?

If you carry a gun and shoot someone, understand there will be consequences.  You can't punch someone in the face either.

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