Friday, August 26, 2016

Lying with Statistics

If the statistics don't tell the story you want, you can probably find a way to make them fit it.

Take the recent AP stat that half of Clinton's meetings were with donors to the Clinton foundation. Well no, it was half of the meetings after the vast majority of meetings were excluded as being "job" related.

Even then, half the meetings were to people who didn't donate so it sort of makes the pay to play idea inaccurate.

So AP twisted the statistics to create a story, not the first time and not the only organization.

We see statistics used like this all the time and it is generally accepted at face value by the majority of people.

In many cases the underlying story gives the actual facts and if you read the AP story, nothing wrong was actually reported.  Some innuendo and misinformation but nothing factual.

Just modern yellow journalism I guess.


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