Wednesday, August 31, 2016


In general we all experience most of the same things.  This has always been true and we experience good and bad, pain and comfort, sadness and joy.  Some have either been given or earned greater material success and might have more comfort and other amenities, but stubbing your toe is going to hurt pretty much the same no matter who you are.

Understanding that is essential to the human condition.  Famously we have heard the all you need is love and that money can't buy you love and the love you share is equal to the love you get.  While these are song lyrics they contain a lot of truth.

We all need to understand that everyone else is very much like us.

Treating others as if they are evil or bad is unfortunately way too common.

As famously said by John Maynard Keynes "In the long run we are all dead".

We are at best short term caretakers who need to make things better.  Of course how to do that can be a source of disagreement, but when you take an us versus them attitude, you have created a scenario where someone has to lose.

We need to create, not destroy, accept, not reject, include, not exclude since at the bottom we are all brothers and sisters to each other.

Yes, there are people who consider us enemies, who will try to destroy or disrupt our lives, but letting them distort your character to a hateful one means they have succeeded.

Embrace your humanity it is who we are.  You might hate the act, but don't hate the person.

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