Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dig you must

There is a general feeling among many Americans that the Clinton's have done something wrong and got away with it.

Now we know that Bill had a well publicized incident with a White House intern and lied about it.  Its also likely that he had other extra-marital affairs.  However, besides this, the accusations fly constantly about people disappearing, dying, getting lied too, being given special treatment etc. etc. etc.

What we have factually comes down to that Mrs Clinton used a private e-mail server while Secretary of State and that some donors to the Clinton Foundation had some access to certain aides and the Secretary.

Use of the private e-mail server was not criminal and there is no allegation that information was leaked or even hacked, although that possibility existed.  When asked to turn over official Government e-mails, she deleted the ones that weren't official which immediately sets off our conspiracy people.  Of course saying there is a cover up doesn't mean there is one, and the real question is what they think she is covering up?  Some equate what she did with the e-mails at the DNC which indicated some frustration that Sanders didn't drop out of the race when it was clear what the outcome was, and while they shouldn't have been sent it is of course perfectly OK for candidate Clinton to express that view, so its not about her.

The accusations that large donors had better access to the Secretary than other people, to some extent, is what we call the American political system.  It should be noted that despite intense efforts, no actual favors have been found that were related to her official position and these were all people who were influential and generally rich.  Even in the somewhat questionable AP analysis, half of the contacts of non-Government and non-Foreign donors were people who had not donated to the foundation.  The AP needed to twist the statistics to get a headline, but if donation was a requirement who were the people who didn't donate?  Maybe if you call or e-mail the State Department requesting a meeting they respond to you regardless.

No one denies the Clinton Foundation does some great things and no evidence has come to light showing it did anything illegal or inappropriate.

In all honesty, based on the amount of digging and the number of people doing it, it seems that Ms Clinton is one of the most honest and trustworthy people in the country.  Keep digging.

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