Monday, August 22, 2016

Whats Going Well

There are a lot of people and news channels focused on whats wrong with America and we certainly have some problems, but there are an awful lot of things going really well.

Our Auto Industry has rebounded and is competitive.

We have developed lots of domestic energy sources.

The price of energy has come down dramatically.

The amount of renewable energy being used keeps increasing.

Access to the power of the internet has become normal.

Unemployment is near historic lows.

Consumer spending has rebounded.

We in general are more accepting of alternate lifestyles.

We have increased health coverage although still not to everyones.

Stocks are near historic highs.

And so much more.

Now some people would and might respond to each of these items with whats not going well, and I agree there are challenges we need to face and fix but we need to appreciate what we do have from time to time.

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