Monday, August 15, 2016

More Thoughts

Its been very hot in much of the country and we have terrible floods in Louisiana. I note that people who like to proclaim cold weather disproves Global Warming don't react to these sort of things.  Of course what is happening is just weather and doesn't by itself show anything, just like the cold didn't, but seems like they are inconsistent.

Based on news reports we are going to hear from the Republican candidate today that we should work with anyone who is fighting a common enemy and stop "Nation Building".  Of course I still believe we are a beacon to the rest of the world supporting American values and should oppose oppression where ever it exists.  This type of policy simply is immoral.

You have to feel a little sorry for the vice presidential candidate who actually comes across as sane.  However considering his oppressive and bigoted policies I can't really feel that way.

Americans who try to tell others how they should live their lives because it doesn't meet their own sense of what is right should look at why so many colonists came here.  The good news is that this type of thinking is almost non existent in our young people.  Freedom is not subjective.

History shows us that nations can give up their liberty and freedom in return for promised safety.  Its always ended up being a hollow promise because once the freedom is gone, you are no longer safe from Government oppression.

Some people feel the election is just about over.  If you feel that you don't need to vote, whatever side you support, you are wrong.  Participation is the most important aspect of a Democracy.

For those people who think the economy is terrible and things have gotten worse, you need to stop watching fox news and get some actual data.

People accuse the Democratic candidate of so many things and then again nothing.  Of course we have self fulfilling hatred since failure to prove her wrongdoings only proves how sneaky she really is.  Shes been in the public eye and hated so long its time to realize their in nothing actually there.

With all the sources of information we have available now, why we have so many people accept obvious falsehoods is hard to understand.  Do a little research folks.

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